There are too many vacant tenants in Akihabara, and the problem is getting worse.

A lonely city

 Akihabara is lined with colorful signs overflowing from high-rise buildings. In the past, it should have been a city where like-minded people gathered to master all that path, but in the Akihabara area, there are a rapid increase in cases where not only stores but also a whole building becomes vacant tenants. I have to accept that the appearance of the city will change due to the change of times and trends because it is the same as the providence of nature.

But this time, I can't help but lament my feelings. Apart from what's at the end of the lament. However, the feeling of impatience that I have to tell you the current situation. Against the backdrop of struggling with shops with physical stores in these times, I lament what is happening in Akihabara now.

         Table of Contents 

1.The site of "Bokes Akihabara Hobby Heaven" in a prime location at the intersection

2.The site of "SEGA Akihabara GiGO"

3."Tora no Ana" withdraws from everything except the Ikebukuro store

4.The current situation and utilization of the site with the increase of vacant tenants in Akihabara

The site of "Bokes Akihabara Hobby Heaven" in a prime location at the intersection

The site of "Bokes Akihabara Hobby Tengoku" is close to JR Akihabara Station, and it is a building built at the corner of the intersection, and it is in a perfect location from the perspective of attracting customers. It was just one of the symbols that color the day and night of Akihabara ... The color clearly divided by red on the lower floors and white on the upper floors is an impressive building because it is quite noticeable from a distance. It has been as it is since it became an empty store in 2021, and the appearance is quite old, and if it is newly reborn, it will be inevitable to rebuild. It has become a building that symbolizes the transition of Akihabara from Ishimaru Electric. But the feature of this city is that there is both revival and restoration. In addition, Hobiten 2 is alive and well, so it's Kumao who is somehow able to bear the loneliness. No, I'm going a lot. Because it's been an hour just by looking at the figures on display. Oh, I wonder if it's because of Kumao who doesn't buy it easily. Excuse me. But Hobiten is still going. I like it.

The site of "SEGA Akihabara GiGO"

The building that has become a vacant tenant up to 7 floors above ground is the site of "Sega Akihabara GiGO". This is also a wonderful location as before, and I remember that the character of "Kantai Collection" was drawn on the glass surface of the building. There is also no new tenant information at the moment. It will be a big tenant, so the rent is also difficult. There was also a tweet that the rent of more than 10 million yen has dropped to nearly half the price... Rather, I was trembling at the reality that GIGO, which had been making a profit with this tenant fee, was too amazing. It's a building reminiscent of Akihabara in the past, so I want it to be regenerated as soon as possible.

"Tora no Ana" withdraws from everything except the Ikebukuro store

At the end of August 2022, shocking news ran around on the Internet and terrestrial TV. All Tora no Ana stores except the Ikebukuro store including Akihabara will be closed. In the future, we will expand the mail order business that is growing steadily. Since it was originally supported by online sales, it can be said that it is extremely reasonable to make a management decision. "In this era when packages arrive not only all over the country but all over the world, such as Amazon and Rakuten Ichiba, do we really need a real store type tenant? Every time I see such a banal opinion, I can't be sad because it seems that Akihabara's culture itself is being denied (crying) I was able to see a lot of lamentations on SNS. Of course, it was also featured on Yahoo News on a large-scale.

The current situation and utilization of the site with the increase of vacant tenants in Akihabara

A sad problem where empty buildings and vacant tenants are scattered in Akihabara. Of course, it may be the impression of visitors who know the past. However, it is true that there are many voices who miss Akiba, who was impressed by the lively signboard and the window glass of the store where customers are attracted. The loneliness I feel while walking in Akiba now is very big. But. It is also a frank feeling that I feel a great hope that a new store has been opened.

The "times" that came while shopping on the web was becoming the mainstream. I think it was exactly an event that changed the worldview. It is a natural flow that there are store operators that accelerate the change of business type while the flow of people has been suppressed in the first place. However, I can't help but believe that it should not be a desperate situation with only negative factors based on the current situation that the publishing industry, which was supposed to be paper-based, has overcomes the predicament and continues to update the highest profits ever. Now that anime and games have become the upstream of the export industry, I was indulging in the otaku town that has the potential to make a big leap forward by being pulled by it.


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